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Meet Minal!

Written by Gabriela on 26th September 2022

final year Biochemistry student at the University of Kent

This is Minal Dayaram, a final year Biochemistry student at the University of Kent. She decided to undertake an integrated year in industry as Covid restricted her learning to being online. Indeed, completing an internship at AbBaltis has helped her chances of possibly being admitted onto a PhD program in one of the following electives: immunology, biostatistics, or genetics. Her role as an intern consisted in participating on the production side of the company and being implicated in the testing associated with the company. This has involved allergy, IIFT and ELISA testing along with the data analysis that is crucial to potential customers. Minal states the following:

“I have been able to hone my data analysis, especially with Microsoft Excel using formulas and shortcuts; a skill that will help me greatly in my final year and PhD endeavour. Liaising with suppliers to source test kits provided me with exposure to see the business side of the biotechnology industry which was extremely rewarding. Overall, I count this summer internship as an invaluable experience and thank Giedre and the company for the opportunity”.

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