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🌟 Exciting day in Lithuania!

Written by Gabriela on 15th February 2024

Today, we had the privilege of visiting Erudito Licėjus to connect with bright business management students. Our presentation focused on unveiling the dynamics of AbBaltis.

Giedre Brandao and Gabriela González Otero delved into our core values, culture, and hiring process. Additionally, we shed light on our Code of Conduct and EDI policies that steer our diverse and global workforce towards success.

One standout moment was sharing our commitment to shattering the glass ceiling. At AbBaltis, we are dedicated to empowering women in leadership positions and actively supporting their career aspirations alongside their family plans. We adapt to their needs and ensure their success in leadership roles.

Our goal? To ignite passion in the next generation of business leaders and cultivate a workplace that embraces flexibility and work-life balance.

Here's to inspiring change and shaping a brighter future together! 💼✨

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