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Written by Martina & Gabriela on 14th December 2023

🧠 Free Therapy Sessions

On the fourth day of our Newsmas series, we are excited to unwrap another valuable benefit offered to our employees at AbBaltis: Free therapy sessions!

AbBaltis offers 6-8 free therapy sessions that provide professional and confidential counseling services for our employees, empowering them to navigate various mental health and personal challenges. Conducted by licensed professionals from EDIFY Counselling and Training, these sessions are tailored to address individual needs and goals.

Therapy sessions provide a safe and confidential space to explore and understand issues that an employee might experience. They can help cope with life challenges, including work pressures or relationship issues, as well as provide the tools to manage common mental health problems. Talking to a therapist is beneficial in that it provides new tools to deal with an individual’s sometimes uncomfortable feelings, thoughts and behaviours.

💆‍♀️ At AbBaltis, we are proud supporters of our employees’ welfare, and we actively advocate for their mental health. The free therapy sessions we provide, can help our employees cope with stress, and reduce the risk of burnout, absenteeism and dissatisfaction. Moreover, therapy supports our employees’ self-awareness and self-esteem, which contributes to personal and professional growth.

Our commitment to building an inclusive and supportive work environment is reflected through the amazing perks we offer. In the coming days, we will unwrap more benefits in place at AbBaltis!

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