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AbBaltis' New Summer Timetable!

Written by Gabriela on 28th May 2024

We are thrilled to announce a change to our schedule for the summer season! Starting June 1st, we are introducing our New Summer Timetable with a special perk:

On Fridays, we will be finishing 1 hour earlier! 🎉

Here’s what this means for our team:

🕐 Shorter Fridays: You will get to kickstart your weekend an hour earlier. Whether it’s more time for family, friends, or simply to relax and enjoy the summer sun, we hope this gives you a bit of extra joy at the end of the week. (For those working flexibly, this hour has been adjusted pro-rata).

📅 Updated Schedule: Please make sure to adjust your plans accordingly. Our doors will be closing earlier on Fridays, so plan your activities, appointments, or visits with this in mind!

We believe this change will provide a wonderful balance between work and personal time, giving you more opportunities to recharge and enjoy the season.

Thank you for all your hard work and dedication. Let’s make this summer amazing!

🏃‍♀️ If you would like to join our team, please email for sales vacancies!

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